Two steps to move past that "embarrassing" thing that happens when you speak

Are you self conscious about something that happens when you speak?

Maybe it's a rash? Super sweaty palms? A weird snort?

And is it holding you back from saying yes to opportunities and speaking in front of people?

Take these two steps -

1. Come up with a practical solution to minimise it: maybe it’s a cool towel on the back of your neck before you speak to stop your face from going red (that is what I do) or a microfibre towel you use to absorb the sweat from your palms.

Find a practical solution that works for you and your situation.

2. Talk about it: Take back your power by TALKING about it! Maybe you slide it into your speech or tell a few individuals in private.

Shame and guilt cannot survive the spoken word.

For more on this, tune into episode 169 of That Voice Podcast - How to get over that 'embarrassing thing that happens' when you speak:

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Sally Prosser