149. Women Thrive when they use their Voice

I'm the opening speaker at the Women Thrive Summit on March 20th and it would mean so much to have your support. You can register for free HERE

Your story has the power to change someone's life! In this episode international speaker and founder of the Women Thrive Summit, Raimonda Jankunaite shares why -

- Your story is not yours and needs to be shared

- How to break through the fear of being vulnerable

- how you can get involved with the Women Thrive Summit - both as a participant and a speaker.


Hello. Hello. Welcome back to That Voice Podcast. If you are here for the first time, an extra special welcome to you. I'm Sal.

Women thrive when they use their voice. Hell, yes. My guest today is so passionate about empowering women that she founded a global business dedicated to raising the voices of women. It's called Women Thrive Media. Her name is Raimonda Jankunaite, Raimonda Jan for short. And Women Thrive Media has a podcast, it has a magazine, and there is a summit. And guess what? Your girl, Sal is the opening speaker for the event. Yes, I'll be opening the summit with a talk called The Key to Crack the Confidence Code— Your Voice!. And I'll be sharing parts of my story I have never shared publicly, not on the podcast, not to my email list, not on social media. And that says a lot because I share a lot on social media.

And I'm doing this at the summit because, because I wanna be vulnerable. And set an example here. Yes, sharing your voice, speaking your truth. It can be freaking scary, but through speaking it, we heal it not only in ourselves, but for so many others who will resonate with your story. So if you'd like to hear my story and a whole lot of practical tips about how to find your voice and use your voice, then register for the summit. It's free. You'll learn loads. And honestly, it would mean so much to me to have you there. As a listener of the podcast, I really appreciate you, and it never hurts to have friends in the audience. It's also a really great time for Australia. So it's on March 20th, it's the morning for Europe, evening for Australia, well after work and kids activities and dinner and all that.

So you can settle in with a cup of coffee if you're in Europe, and it's the morning. And settle in with a cup of tea if it's the evening. And you are here in Australia. So pause this now and go and register. The link is in the show notes. It is going to be a phenomenal event. It's the Women Thrive Summit. And I've heard the opening speaker is particularly entertaining. Lol. Okay. So in today's episode, I chat to Raimonda about how she found her voice by telling her story. And she shares why you should be fearless in sharing yours because women thrive when they use their voice. Let's dive in.


Raimonda Jan, it is such a pleasure to welcome you to that voice podcast. How are you?


Thank you so much. It's a pleasure to be here, Sally.


Raimonda, whenever I see you on screen, and since the day I met you, I have been blown away by this energy that you have and this passion that you have with using your voice and encouraging other women to do the same. So I'd love to hear more about your story and what led you on this path to creating such a global sensation.


Oh, thank you so much, Sally. Such a beautiful words to hear from you. I'm, I am passionate about women empowerment and using my voice because there has been moments in my life where I did not feel very much empowered. Um, in my mid-twenties, I lost my voice through trauma, and I didn't know at a time what it was, but I was struggling with depression and a fear, and a loss of my identity. And I think that really impacted my physical ability to not only express myself, but also to to use my voice, to speak up and represent myself and my business. So I struggled with that for quite a few years, and it, it was a journey to rediscovering my voice. And only so many years down the line, one, once I had the courage to share the story and be vulnerable about it, I realized that I wasn't alone. And there were so many other people who had similar experiences or struggled with their voice. So that has really given me the purpose to do what I do today.


Oh, I love that. And was there a point where you were aware that you had lost your voice or was it a series of things that made you feel like you couldn't use it?


I think I realized very quickly after a very traumatic incident, um, returning home from that incident, uh, where I was pretty much nearly raped and left stranded in a different country at the airport and by a person who I, I loved. You know, and it was so traumatic that I couldn't speak of it. And I just felt such a deep fear and shame of it that I realized I couldn't speak about it. And I thought it was just temporary in that moment in time, and I couldn't even speak to my family about it. And it actually lasted for way longer than I anticipated it, or I, or I thought. Um, so I had to really go onto a journey of figuring out of what it was and why I felt like that.


Mm-hmm. And so what was the point where you shared the story for the first time and realized, wow, this is like a weight lifted off my shoulder?


It was a moment, it was pretty, pretty private moment. Well, private public. I joined Mr. Les Brown, who's, uh, one of the top motivational speakers in the world, one of his programs. And we were in a virtual room of around 70, 80 people. And on the first get to know call, he said to me, well, you know, wonder, you host these amazing women conferences, you speak on stages, but what makes you want to speak? Why are you here? And honestly, I was not expecting for this to come out because up until that point, I was already hosting successful events. I was already speaking on stage despite my fear of using my voice, despite the fear of speaking. And as you know, public speaking is one of the biggest fears of people, and so was mine. But I pushed through it and I found a thing that works for me, and I said to him, Mr. Les, uh, I know what it's like to lose your voice, and that's why I want to speak. I think that moment for me, myself, accepting that as that being my story, and then seeing the reaction of other people realizing that, you know, there is so much more behind of why she wants to use her voice. That was one of the most empowering moments for myself to recognize and be vulnerable about it.


Yeah. Thank you so much for sharing. I see how our stories are kind of similar because, you know, just because you're out there speaking, you were running conferences, um, I was a reporter, so I was speaking a lot on stage, but just because you are confidently speaking, it doesn't mean that you are speaking your truth. Doesn't mean that you really feel like you have your voice. And so it's so powerful not just to talk, but to say what's truly in your heart.


Yeah. And I always say, you know, speakers, once we are willing to be vulnerable and really be honest with ourselves and our audience, this is when we can make the biggest impact and biggest connection. Because if you fear of, um, judgment, if you fear that people may see you differently, this is when we don't speak our truth and we hide our truth. And this is where we cannot make a connection and it only happens on the surface.


Yeah. So what happened on that call with Les? So you shared it and what happened next?


We had a, had a huge reaction from the audience. It was my peers, uh, fellow speakers, and they all were really interested, but I wasn't quite ready to share the full story yet. And actually a lot of things unfolded from there on. I I started to share my story when going on live, and I thought, okay, I'm just going to speak from my heart. I don't know what's going to happen, but I need to get the story out. I need to talk about this. So after the first live, I remember some women, few women reaching out and saying, Oh my goodness, I've been, or I'm still struggling with this. And this one, I realized that I wasn't alone. Where, you know, when you're in a moment of depression or sadness or you're going through your pain, you feel like you're alone. And that's what I felt for so many years, to the point where I really, I did not want to remember the story ever again. I didn't want to ever bring it up because it was so painful. But me bringing that back up to life and speaking about it honestly healed, um, that wound. And it made me realize there is power in it when we do speak about our truth, our pain, our story, because it can help somebody else. So, uh, quickly thereafter, I had an opportunity to be part of, authored book. So I actually wrote the story in a book, um, letter us to my younger self. So I wrote a letter to my younger self of what I would say to her right now, how to deal with the situation that became a bestseller. And from there on, it just really gave me a lot of purpose to support others in helping them share their stories for the world.


Oh, and there are so many women, including myself, who are so grateful that you've done that. So if somebody's listening and they're resonating with this, and they're thinking, Raimonda, you're right. Like, how can I tell this story? It's, I'm scared of what people will say or what they'll judge. Or actually, you know what? It was so painful. I'd rather just ignore it. What would you suggest they do?


Just first realize that your story's not for you, right? And you're probably not alone. It doesn't matter how, how difficult it was or how isolating it was. You'll probably find that there are so many other people in this world who've been through something similar right now, or maybe going through something similar right now. Question is, are you willing to go there to share your truth to change somebody else's life? And that is the powerful moment where you can realize that your story has the power to transform lives. Your story has the power to inspire someone and perhaps, you know, change their direction. For someone, you know, when I was in that position, I wish I met someone or I saw someone online who was honest and open about it, with what they were going through, because I felt so alone, like nobody could understand me, not even my own family did not know about this incident until years later, until I told the world. So I just hope that your story can help somebody else.


Mm. Yeah. And so tell us a little bit more about the Women Thrive Summit that's happening. There'll be a lot of stories shared. Tell us about what people can expect.


Well, Women Thrive is one of our annual events, which we started during the pandemic. And the purpose of it is really to support each other, other, for us women to come together and to really create opportunity for us to all rise together and thrive. And during the week of the summit, which is usually a third week of every march, every year, um, we host, well, this year we're hosting 47 amazing speakers. These are women from all parts of the world and everyone bringing their story. And well, as I was interviewing women like yourself with amazing and powerful stories, I realize just how many things really connect us and the power that we have of coming together. So especially for women who may be listening to this, we have an amazing power when we come together to support each other, to be part of a community, to share our mission, be part of something bigger than ourselves. So this is what the summit is an opportunity for all of us to rise and create opportunities for us to thrive, not only in business, but also in life.


Oh, so well said. I've, and I've had a look at, I've met the beautiful ladies who will be speaking as well, and there is such a variety of topics. But what brings everyone together as what I can see, is that vulnerability you're talking about, it is about vulnerability, sharing their story and talking about things that really matter in life. I feel like that's a key theme, you know, like it's not, Oh, this is how you can format a nice Instagram post. You know? And even though that could be a useful thing to know, what I see about the speakers that we've got at this summit is it goes deeper, doesn't it?


Yeah, it really does. I mean, we do have a whole day based on practical business strategies and techniques, but what really unites us all is the passion and our purpose in this life to really serve other people to show up. And when I interview people, interview our speakers with the summit, I always ask, what do you want to get out of this summit? As in what do you want out of it as a speaker? And they all tell me, I'm just here to change lives. I'm just here to impact somebody's life with my story and my knowledge that I have. So hopefully another woman doesn't have to go through the same challenges or same struggles that I have been through. And genuinely, I think that's what unites all of these speakers in their passion and their purpose to help another woman. So by just your presence, by being in the presence of these women, by attending this virtual event, you get to experience that and you get to go onto your own journey of transformation. But it takes one thing, it takes you being there, it takes you showing up for yourself because we all on our own individual journeys, and so are you. So you just have to show up and be there for yourself.


Yes, and I'll make sure I've got the links in the show notes so you can come along. It is such a great event. And what if anybody listening is thinking, You know what, it's about time. I've got my story out there. How do I speak at this event? How do I get in touch with you?


Yeah. Well, of course, Sally, you do an amazing job at supporting other speakers, sparring speakers in discovering their voice and their power. And I'm so honored that you're one of the speakers opening the summit, so that that's, that's so true.


Yes. I can't wait!


Um, but yeah, this, this event is just, um, it's a great opportunity for all of us to, to come together. As far as speaking on our stage. I think the best thing is to participate, get to understand what it's about, really want women to want to speak on this stage, not just because of exposure, not just because you know, it's a grand event and you get to be part of this community, but really want to be part of it because you experience a transformation. And I've seen women who attended our summits or events in 2020, 2021, and they were speakers in 2022, and they've been through that journey. And I think it means so much more. And I always say our speaking engagements aren't just speaking engagements. It's a whole journey that you go on, and we really, really mean that. So if you do want to apply, we, our applications will open in August, and we have approximately six months of production for this event. So keep an eye out after you have attended, and maybe you decide at this stage for you.


Oh, yes. And that's something I have loved about this as well. It's not just the event by itself, it's the whole journey. It's the women you connect with. It's the things that you learn along the way. It's connections like this where I'm like, Raimonda, you have to come on the podcast. So, Here you are. Was there anything else you wanted to add?


I just say, you know, be fearless in, in your pursuit of your passion, your purpose, your dreams, because we often let fear and doubt get in the way and hold us back from the life that we truly, truly meant to be living. And just very quickly, I'll tell you that we, I have just finished writing a chapter for our book that's launching February 28th, and fear of being vulnerable again and sharing my story completely, honestly, has nearly held me back from submitting my own chapter in our own book. But I said, you know what? It is the women who need to be impacted, who need to hear this story, this is what I live for, and this is why I made change in my own life. So don't be afraid. Don't let fear get in way, because that's the number one killer of all of our dreams. So I just encourage you to be fearless and pursuit of your purpose.


Oh, amazing. Could not have said it better myself. I love that. Raimonda, thank you so much for coming on that voice podcast.


Thank you for this opportunity and we hope to see you there at the summit.

Sally Prosser