200. Which chakra is holding your voice back?

Your voice runs from the soles of your feet to the crown of your head. It's a powerful energetic channel that comes from you and moves through you.

In this milestone episode I explain ...

- what the main chakras are.

- how they affect your voice and speaking.

- how to identify which energy centers might be holding your voice back and what to do about it.


Can you believe it?

We have hit episode 200 of That Voice Podcast!

If you’re new here, what an episode to start on.

If you have been here from the start, thank you for coming along the ride, I hope you’ve learned lots, laughed at my corny jokes and witnessed the evolution of myself and my business.

It’s so nice having a podcast as like a spoken journal of your life.

And a little peek behind the scenes.

I have single handedly recorded and edited all 200 episodes.

I want to give a shout out to a couple of people ….

Firstly Hazel who edits and uploads all the transcripts for the podcasts – they’re all on my website.

And to Mariah MacInnes who has been a huge help with marketing, she helps with the Instagram page @thatvoicepodcast, and turning episodes into LinkedIn articles and blog posts, things that really help bring more people to this podcast.

Mariah is also featured on episode 179 – Why you should seek support to share your voice.

She’s in Soul Speakers too. And I would love to welcome you to Soul Speakers. It’s the group online program that gives you everything you need to speak with confidence and become a visible force in your field. And we talk about spirituality and energetics, as we are today….

So for our 200th episode the topic is Which chakra is holding your voice back?

Your voice runs from the soles of your feet to the crown of your head.

It’s a powerful energetic channel that comes from you and moves through you.

Before we dive in, what is a chakra?

They’re the main energy centers of the body.

It’s a Sanskrit word, so Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism, Chakra is Sanskrit for WHEEL so you could think of them like spinning discs of positive energy. And when these wheels are blocked or stagnant it affects our emotional and physical wellbeing including our ability to speak freely and confidently.

Often we associate the throat chakra with speaking – it is in the throat area and is the energetic centre for self expression, so super important, but not the whole picture.

In today’s episode I’m going to take you through each of the main chakras as they relate to speaking. This process will help you identify which chakra is holding your voice back and it’s also a great warm-up exercise, and we’ll finish with what I call my rainbow affirmations which I often use before a speech or presentation.

So we’ll start from the bottom and work our way up.

The ROOT chakra is red it’s located at the base of your spine, and it’s all about foundation and security.

When this is open you can confidently stand on your own two feel and feel grounded, You can comfortably pause and hold silence.

If you feel unsteady while speaking, you sway and rock or need to grip onto the lectern for dear life, this is a sign your root energy center needs attention.

Also if you speak super fast and cannot be still and find pausing really challenging, another sign. Ep151 is all about The Power of Pause.

And it stems from not feeling safe to speak, not feeling supported.

And I work with many clients on this.

It’s one of the best things about Soul Speakers, you get the chance to speak in the group, and people listen and they affirm and they value what you have to say. This experience is incredibly powerful for root chakra healing and activation.

The affirmation I use for the root is I AM ON SOLID GROUND.

Next up is the SACRAL .. it’s the lower belly area, the womb space for a woman and this is our sensuality and creativity.

When this is open you have fun speaking! It’s a joyful, energy generating experience and the audience laps up the magnificence of your creativity in full flight.

If the thought of public speaking or showing up online makes you feel flat and depressed and exhausted…. We need to get your sacral juices flowing. You might also get like writer’s block, where you’ll put off preparing your presentation because you can’t find the motivation to get going.

And this is why so much of my coaching is about FUN and PLAY. You might’ve seen my love-heart sunglasses or lipshaped stress balls. I bring these to workshops because they without fail spark a smile. And here I’m not talking about the content itself – it’s your feelings towards it.

And hot tip, present in sexy underwear … or none at all.

Give yourself that cheeky little glint in your eye that will activate your sacral.


Moving up to the solar plexus the SEAT OF YOUR SELF ESTEEM - YELLOW.

This is upper abdomen, right where your diaphragm is the primary breathing muscle.

When this is open you feel free to express your true self. You are mother effing worthy.

The self-doubt, the shame, the feeling you’re not good enough, who’d want to listen to you.

This is where so much of my work sits. Issues with breathing often stem from this chakra being blocked. That’s why identifying the stories that stop you believing in yourself is so important. You are amazing, you are worthy, I believe in you. Please receive my words. I also know that no one else words can supercede the words you say to yourself. So if you’re a nasty little bitch to yourself, reach out so someone can help you shine that yellow solar plexus torch.

And I believe the best way to believe in ourselves is to surround ourselves with people who believe in us. Family, friends, coaches. And if someone in your life does not believe in you. Distance yourself.

The other thing you can do is SAY yess to speaking opportunities that’s you backing yourself. The only reasons to say no are not enough money, calendar clash, not aligned with your goals. If you say no for reasons like I don’t think I can do it, you’re adding to your solar plexus problems.

Many episodes relate to this, I’d recommend ep196 – 5 ways to stop comparing yourself.

So the affirmation is I BELIEVE IN MYSELF.

We’re up to the beautiful GREEN heart chakra.

It’s in the middle of the chest, it’s all about passion and self-love.

When this is open you speak passionately and feel so much gratitude for the speaking experience.

If you’re heart is closed you may find it hard to be vulnerable in your speaking, to trust the audience with your story. You might struggle to understand how anyone could love public speaking.

If this is you, lean into gratitude, remember you can’t be fearful and grateful at the same time. Remember episode 143 – Why you should rate your speaking PG.

And the affirmation is I LOVE MY MESSAGE AND MY VOICE SO MUCH.

Then we get to the blue THROAT CHAKRA.

When open you speak your truth with freedom and ease.

If you really have trouble finding words, or choke up completely this is a sign your throat chakra is blocked.

Doing voice warm-ups, being part of a community like Soul Speakers, singing every day, this will all help.

And the affirmation is I SPEAK MY TRUTH WITH EASE.

Up to the INDIGO third-eye chakra between your eyes. The seat of intuition and concentration.

When this is open you intuitively know what to say, you read the room and adapt to the vibe.

If you have a lot of limiting beliefs which cause anxiety around speaking, you really struggle to speak on the fly or without notes, you often lose your train of thought and forget what you’re talking about. These are all signs your third eye needs attention.

Meditating is a great way to work on this. And also don’t blindly accept what someone else wants you to speak about. Ask yourself what is your message.

The affirmation I TRUST MY INTUITION.

And now we are up to our violet CROWN CHAKRA. This is your connection to the divine, connection to source energy. It’s at the very top of your head.

Ever wondered why you get great ideas in the shower? They’re literally pouring through the top.

And if you’ve ever been in such an intense flow when you speak that you forget what you said, it’s coming straight from the universe. You are the vessel and the wisdom is moving through. Often my clients get into this zone and say I can’t remember what I said it just flowed out.

If you’re feeling really disconnected and isolated and stuck into the detail, and stress if you miss a tiny piece of a tiny phrase, this may mean your crown is blocked

So focus on speaking as an act of service and cultivate the feeling of awe. Far out how amazing is podcasting, what a trippy technology.

And the affirmation I AM HERE FOR MY HIGHER PURPOSE.


So after all that… which chakra do you think is holding your voice back?

Does one stand out more than the others for you?

These are moving energy centers, it’s not like unblocked, finished.

Just like a pipe, they need to be maintained and they can get blocked at any time.

This is why Soul Speakers is a 6 month program minimum because I teach you the skills to maintain your channel. To keep your voice flowing.

And I do my check-in via the rainbow affirmations.

I breathe into the energy centre and speak the words on the out breath.

Breathe into the lower spine – I AM ON SOLID GROUND


Breathe into the diaphragm – I BELIEVE IN MYSELF

Breathe into the heart – I LOVE MY MESSAGE AND MY VOICE

Breathe into the neck – I SPEAK MY TRUTH WITH EASE

Breathe into the third eye – I TRUST MY INTUITION

And breathe into the top of your head – I AM HERE FOR MY HIGHER PURPOSE.

How good does that feel. It’s like a big refreshing cleanse of the channel.

What a great way to close out episode 200 of That Voice Podcast.

I’m taking a little break to reset. The podcast is the only thing on break, so please come into Soul Speakers or get in touch if you’d like 1 on 1.

Thank you once again for all your support of That Voice Podcast.

Please write me a review on Apple or rating on Spotify, I really appreciate it and it’s great for the heart chakra. And get in touch if you have any topics you’d like me to cover in the new season.

And that brings episode 200 of That Voice Podcast … to a close.

Sally Prosser