Not all coaches stick to coaching.

A lot of people have ‘coach’ in their title, but many don’t purely stick to coaching.

Some teach, some advise, some heal, some roll up their sleeves and get into the doing - and some - including myself, are a mix of all of the above.

If you call yourself a coach or are looking to get into coaching then it’s important to know your craft and the boundaries within which you work.

And if you’re looking to work with a coach, understanding what roles they fulfil is important to see if it’s a match for what you want to achieve.

If we were to simplify it and use the metaphor of a question and answer, this is how it goes -

Teacher – "This is the answer."

Advisor – "If I were you this would be the answer."

Coach – "I’ll help you come up with the answer."

Healer or Practitioner – "I’ll take you through xyz process to find the answer."

Doer – "I will deliver you the answer."

If you are a coach - what other roles do you operate in? 

If you’re looking for support - what's the best fit for you? 

To learn more, check out episode 198 of That Voice Podcast - 

Want me in your ear telling you exactly what you need to do before your next speaking gig? Get free access to my Pep Talks in your Pocket: 

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