How to identify yourself as a more confident speaker!

Who are you as a speaker? What's your speaking identity?

Perhaps hating public speaking and shying away from the spotlight and being someone who doesn’t like their voice.. is who you think you are.

If this is the case, all the “I’m a confident speaker” affirmations in the world won't work.

Your identity, your grip around those problems can be like a vice - and to release that latch on the vice, you may need to release part of who you are.

If you start identifying as someone who’s a confident, kick-ass speaker – you might be asked to get on stage, lead a meeting, take responsibility.

Far easier sitting in the audience, hiding in the shadows and never even being considered as someone who’d be asked to speak. Let alone someone to listen to.

And herein lies the trade-off.

What is it costing you to not be the speaker you want to be?

What influence are you NOT having?

Are you ready to change your speaker identity?

Try this exercise…

Ask yourself this question, who am I as a speaker?

Grab your journal or throw your phone on record and start with “I am a speaker who…”

Do it now and tell me in the comments what you recorded (or what you are ready to identify yourself as).

Keen to learn more? Listen to episode 134 of That Voice Podcast called - Who are you as a speaker?:

Want a pep talk before your next speaking gig? Get free access to Pep Talks in your Pocket, the free download:

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