Prepare to get TRIGGERED!

Have you ever been triggered by someone calling your name in a meeting?

Or a microphone being handed to you?

Or a technical glitch in the middle of a presentation?

Your heart rate might rise, you can feel a pit in your stomach and your brain seems to fly out the window.

These events may be setting off a trigger for you, where you’re transported mentally and physiologically to a past event. You may know what that event was (that awful speech in school) or you may have no idea. It’s worth exploring. Triggers are a guiding light directing you to where the transformation happens.

What are your triggers when it comes to public speaking?

Is it seeing a sea of faces looking at you? Is it hearing total silence? Is it the rustling of papers? Is it being handed a microphone? Take time to reflect on this.

You’ll soon realise it’s not the speaking itself that brings on negative emotions, it’s something about the scenario it’s wrapped in. Something we’re seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting...

And if what we perceive through our five senses can catapult us into a tailspin of negative emotions, then what we perceive through our five senses can catapult us into our most confident, powerful amazing speaking selves.

Ignite your senses with positive anchors.

What music makes you feel powerful and motivated? What smell makes you feel a million dollars? What clothes feel beautiful to speak in?

Build a toolbox of these anchors or positive triggers and call on them for your next speaking opportunity.

I expand on this and share some great examples in the podcast featured below.

Keen to learn more? Listen to episode 147 of That Voice Podcast called - Prepare to get TRIGGERED!:

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