Three tips to help your voice match your message

Have you ever listened to a speaker and noticed the words being said don’t match the voice?

They might sound monotone, obviously reading off a page, or just missing the right tone. Happy news delivered with no smile, for example!

Your voice will connect with your audience when it’s a match for the message.

Here are my top three tips to strike this match!

1.Ask this question - How do I want my audience to FEEL?

Often the default is ‘what do I want my audience to know.’ Landing on the feeling is much more helpful.

Do you want them to feel…Inspired? Happy? Outraged? Motivated? Sad? This answer becomes your guide for how you want to feel during delivery.

If you embody the emotion you want to convey, it will be heard through the voice.

2.Use vocal expression

Vary your vocal pitch, pace, pausing, volume, inflections, gestures and facial expressions while speaking.

Accessing your full vocal range, allows you to vividly paint the picture for the audience.

For example, words like: increase, sky high, vision, far away, north, thinking – all lend themselves to a higher vocal pitch. Words like: rock bottom, deep down, feeling, grounded, south – all lend themselves to a low pitch. We do it naturally.

Emotions also guide us here. For example, sad lends itself to a low pitch, slow pace and soft in volume, whereas motivation lends itself to a higher pitch, faster in pace and louder in volume.

Using vocal expression also keeps the audience engaged and awake!

3.Get in your body

When you ground yourself, breathe and connect your heart to your message, the emotion and vocal expression will come naturally. You won’t be thinking ‘oh I need to slow down here’ because it will just happen.

Keen to learn more? Listen to episode 145 of That Voice Podcast called - How to make your voice match your message:

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