A quick tip to speak with credibility

Does your voice go UP? At the end of EVERY sentence?

This can sound like you're searching for validation or not convinced by your own words - and takes away from your amazing credibility and ability to persuade!

Try the TARGET TECHNIQUE… this helps you finish your phrases strong so you have more impact and influence when you speak.

Here’s how you execute the Target Technique... Imagine you're hitting the last emphasised word in the sentence like a dart hitting a dartboard. Doing the hand movement at the same time helps your voice (as though you’re throwing a dart).

Imagine your voice soaring through the air, straight into the bullseye.

If you’d like to practise this technique with me, tune into episode 160 of That Voice Podcast called - A Quick Technique to Speak with Conviction: https://www.sallyprosser.com.au/thatvoicepodcast/160

Want me in your ear telling you exactly what you need to do before your next speaking gig? Get free access to my Pep Talks in your Pocket: https://bit.ly/3KSk7h7

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